Anonymous Online Chat & Text Support
Every weekend, we offer anonymous support through our online chat, right here on our website, as well as by text. You can reach out for support, information, referrals, ask questions about sexual and/or gendered violence, or just talk with us None of your information is saved, and your phone number is hidden to us. Click on the chat box in the bottom right corner to start a conversation with us, or send a text to 226-401-8879. Available daily from 6pm to 10pm.
Experiencing technical difficulties with chat or text? Please try it again in a few minutes. If it still doesn’t work, feel free to send us an email at to let us know.
Our Mission
To provide services that promote healing for survivors of sexual violence, and create social change through advocacy, education and collaboration.
Our Vision
Healing and change on all issues connected to gender-based violence.
Our Values
Feminism, anti-racism, anti-oppression, equity seeking, intersectionality.
What is Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault is any unwanted act of a sexual nature imposed by one person upon another. Forced or coerced intercourse, grabbing, touching or kissing can be defined as sexual assault.
If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual assault, we can help.
We offer a 24-hour crisis and support line for survivors of sexual violence, as well as friends and family members of survivors. We also offer counselling for survivors of all genders ages 14 and over in a supportive, safe environment as well as in all Brant County high schools, emergency services, accompaniment and support through hospital, police, and court procedures, public education, and community events.
All of SAC Brant’s services are free and confidential.
24-hr crisis and support line: 519-751-3471
Business line: 519-751-1164