Welcome to the Sexual Assault Centre of Brant
A basket full of a collection of colourful, round buttons with a variety of messages on them. Buttons on the top of the pile read: Pan Proud; Bi-CERT-ain; No Gender? No problem; My pronouns are: They/Them/Theirs; Trans and Proud; Rally. March. Speak Out.
SAC Brant provides services that promote healing for survivors of sexual violence and create social change through advocacy, education, and collaboration.
We are a grassroots, feminist, anti-oppressive organization offering trauma-informed support to cis women and people of all marginalized genders including trans women, Two-Spirit, and non-binary folks.
If you or someone you know is a survivor of assault, we can help.
We approach our work with an intersectional understanding that sexual and gendered violence is disproportionately experienced by people who are marginalized in multiple ways.
You Are Not Alone. We Are Available 24/7.
Our Mission
To provide services that promote healing for survivors of sexual violence, and create social change through advocacy, education and collaboration.
Our Values
Feminism, anti-racism, anti-oppression, equity seeking, intersectionality.
What Is Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault is any unwanted act of a sexual nature imposed by one person upon another.
Forced or coerced intercourse, grabbing, touching or kissing can be defined as sexual assault.
If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual assault, we can help.
We offer a 24 hour crisis and support line for survivors of sexual violence, as well as friends and family members of survivors.
We also offer counselling for survivors of all genders ages 14 and over in a supportive, safe environment as well as in all Brant County and Brantford high schools, emergency services, accompaniment and support through hospital, police, and court procedures, public education, and community events.
Folks from the SAC Brant community march down the street at dusk, gathered for Brantford's annual Take Back the Night rally. Some of our colourful, lovingly homemade protest signs read "No More Slut Shaming! No More Victim Blaming!" and "Walking with Courage, Taking Back the Night"
Programs & Services
What Impact Do We Have In One Year?
Education and Awareness Event Participants
Number of Crisis and Support Calls
Individual Counselling Program Sessions
Land Acknowledgement
SAC Brant, Brantford, and the surrounding area sits on Haudenosaunee, Anishnaabe, and Attawandaron territory. This land has never willingly been given or sold. It has been and continues to be, stolen.
Indigenous Women, Girls, Two-Spirit, and Femme folks are disproportionately impacted by gendered and sexual violence. Resource extraction sites such as pipelines, oil rigs, tar sands, logging, and mining are directly linked to heightened experiences of gendered and sexual violence experienced by Indigenous women, girls, Two-Spirit, and femme folks.
The Sexual Assault Centre of Brant is committed to decolonizing our space and services.
Part of doing this work is understanding that those of us who are settlers on this land benefit from continued colonization and that on the day-to-day, we must show our respect and pay close attention to how our work can contribute to Indigenous Sovereignty, land defense, and decolonization.
Click here for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: https://nctr.ca/about/history-of-the-trc/trc-website/
Click here to learn more about the land SAC Brant is located on: lspirg.org/knowtheland